When individuals and companies encounter legal disputes, one of their biggest concerns is avoiding costly court battles. Lawsuits can be drawn-out, expensive, and damaging to reputations and well-being, so it is vital that you have an attorney on your side who can manage your legal conflict effectively and efficiently.
Our Skilled Trial Lawyers Know the Value of Early Resolution
In order to serve our clients’ best interests, we always begin by offering legal solutions that minimize the risk of litigation. A prompt resolution saves our clients both money and time, and we will do everything in our power to find a practical solution to avoid litigation. We appear with our clients in a variety of alternative dispute resolution venues, including formal arbitrations and court-ordered mediations.
If your case proceeds to court, you can take comfort in the fact that every attorney at Meyers, Rodbell & Rosenbaum, P.A., is an experienced and tenacious trial lawyer. We do our own trial representation for all of our clients, and offer litigation services to our fellow attorneys when their clients require aggressive action in court.
Helping Clients in Maryland, D.C., and Beyond
Our attorneys have served as trial lawyers and litigation counsel for a wide variety of clientele throughout the state of Maryland, including major insurance carriers, general contractors, land developers, municipalities, resource recovery and management businesses, commercial landlords and tenants, hospitals, physicians, and health care providers. We routinely give legal advice to plaintiffs and defendants in complex personal injury cases, damage claims, and breach of contract disputes, such as:
- Commercial law (sales, commercial paper, collection)
- Construction litigation and arbitration
- Corporate disputes
- Landlord and tenant disputes
- Mechanics liens
- Real estate claims
- Civil rights litigation
- Employment discrimination and personnel management
- Enforcement of contracts and agreements
- Professional negligence
- Medical malpractice
- Automobile collisions
- DWI and traffic cases
- Business disputes
- Criminal defense
- Personal injury and general liability
Our experienced trial attorneys represent clients in all forums within the state of Maryland, including district court, state and federal courts, administrative agencies, arbitration panels, and other environments. If you choose to retain us, you will have the combined benefit of our past litigation efforts and experience, allowing us to give you a knowing perspective on your future businesses endeavors. Call our toll-free number on this page today to discuss your legal needs with an attorney.